District heating tunnel in Emden
Trosa district heating plant
District heating in Trosa has developed a great deal since Statkraft took over. The plant has now been completely rebuilt, and we can proudly present some excellent environmental results.
2011Entered into operation
19 MWInstalled capacity
24.9 GWhAnnual production
The plant in Trosa is based on a biofuel boiler that provides basic production throughout the year. Fuel for this boiler is made up of woodchips, bark and garden waste from the municipality.

If production has to be temporarily halted or if the weather turns extremely cold, a reserve boiler can be used that burns both biofuel and fossil oil. The plant was completed in 2011, but we are constantly developing it to achieve even better environmental results.
The plant produces heat for around 100 customers. Customers include companies, housing associations and private individuals.

Year built: 2011
Percentage renewable: 100%
Company | Ownership share |
Statkraft | 100% |